Well, 9 1/2 years of blissful marriage and 5 children later, I finally made the resolve to make some sort of journaling or history of the McKinney Clan household and decided this new innovative way of blogging would best fit my crazy lifestyle. Thanks to family members for introducing to the computer impaired (that would be me) of this great way of keeping in touch with other family and friends. Now the hard part is just knowing where to start. So, let's just make it easy for me and start TODAY! It is going to be a long day today, it is raining(pouring, but I am grateful for the moisture) and I am putting off the innevitable, yet never ending task of house work. It's a pretty typical day, Zachary(8) and Cameron(7) are off to school and I've set Jonathan(4) and Hailey(3) in front of the TV(PBS of course) so I can get some work done while Brooklyn(1) follows me around the house vying for attention. I usually play school with the kids have lunch and then it's naptime(YEAH!). That's my time to work on outside and inside projects(the list is neverending) Wes is busy dealing with the scum of the earth and I stay busy wiping little hooday's and kissing sticky dirty faces. It's a hard job but somebody's got to do it. I love being a mommy! Well, the day must go on for time doesn't stop for the newly converted bloggers and the dishes aren't going to magically disappear as I always hoped for. So Adieu, until next time.